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What is Restorative Yoga?

In ancient Yoga text books, a Yoga Asana is described as a yoga position which is steady and comfortable. Stiram Sukham Asanam (yoga sutras of patanjali 2.46 - 2.48).

In restorative yoga, by using props i.e. (bolsters, blocks, blankets, bricks, belts, chairs etc), we support the body so that we can hold the poses longer with ease, allowing the body to release and let go into deep relaxation.

Details of the classes:

Every Monday from 19.00 until 20.30, All levels welcome, no previous experience necessary.

£20 per class in a light, private and airy Hampstead studio.

Maximum number of students in the class are 3 with full personal attention to your specific needs.

For booking your place and details of location please send me a message on my contact page.

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